Tuesday, February 3, 2009

IDC...Ken Robinson's Talk...Creativity in Schools

I perceived this to be eye opening as while we are constantly begin informed that the world is constantly and rapidly changing, it is revealed that our education system proves to be stuck in a form of suspended animation. Our various courses are still arranged in a hierarchy of importance, with math's and sciences far far out in front. With arts and other forms of creative outlets are being dragged behind them.

I'm at a loss in how mind numbing creativity crushing courses are seen as superior then courses that foster innovation and originality are see as less when it is constantly being declared that only creative ingenuity and can solve the problems we will most certainly face in the near future. So here we are stuck in an education system that has changed a minuscule amount in almost 200 years, it appears that we have progressed from the stone age to the bronze age in 2 centuries, GO US.

So here we are in this world were the 2 greatest suppliers of knowledge The Media and The Education system are telling us conflicting tales and we have no way of knowing whom to believe other then basing on our opinions. Unless you have a better way of deciding?

My Personal Experience with Blogging

Never before in my life have I blogged, which in hind sight makes little sense as I'm extremly opinionated and am suprised that I have never pursued this larger venue to spread my cynism. So this is my first time blogging and am hoping that it proves to be an interesting experience.